Age of wonders 3 goblins good sorcerers?
Age of wonders 3 goblins good sorcerers?

age of wonders 3 goblins good sorcerers? age of wonders 3 goblins good sorcerers? age of wonders 3 goblins good sorcerers?

So guys, any ideas? This class seems very complicated to me, because of how how supports only deal one type of damage which is easy to gain resistance against, such as machines are 100% resistance against human supports, how just having 12 resistance on a unit can make apprentices deal almost no damage, how his summons get easiy outnumbered due to how limited casting points are and how summons struggle against enemies with high resistance or shock protection such as Horned God or King Shock Serpent, how Sorcerer has no way of healing his racial units, so they end up dying when trying to clear resource sites and so I lose more than I get, how slow his produced units are on the map, how wisps and phantasm warriors easily get killed by just some elemental damage dealers such as reanimators and spells like hornet swarm, and how weak produced racial units(except supports) of sorcerer are, how powerful spells like chaos rift and static electricity can be just disjuncted. So I read topic called "Tips for Archdruid?" which I found quite interesting and I wanted to see if people can come up with something similar for Sorcerer.

Age of wonders 3 goblins good sorcerers?