How to scan network mac address
How to scan network mac address

We can change the source mac address during scan. This may create some clue about the scan. $ arp-scan -interface=ens3 -localnet Specify Network Interface Set Source Mac Addressĭuring the scan process our exisiting mac address will be used. In the example we will use network interface named ens3 . In this situations we need to specify network interface. $ arp-scan -localnet Scan Local Network Specify Network InterfaceĮnterprise environments requires more than one network interface for backup, load balancing etc. While using arp-scan we need root privileges.

how to scan network mac address

This will scan whole local network with arp packets. Most basic usage of arp-scan is scanning local network with a single options named -localnet or -l . $ arp-scan -h Help Syntax Usage: arp-scan Scan Local Network We can print help information with the -h option. $ sudo apt install arp-scan -y Install Help We can install arp-scan tool with the following command. Arp-scan is a tool specifically designed to scan network with layer 2 or mac or Ethernet arp packets.

how to scan network mac address

There are different and popular tools to scan network line masscan, nmap etc.

how to scan network mac address

Network scanning is one of the steps of penetration testing.

How to scan network mac address